Sunday, April 12, 2015

Starting anew... but what to do?

Let's see if I can keep this going... Hopefully by these ramblings I can figure out what I want to do with my life. I've had this blog and some others for some time now, but I haven't updated in forever. I am going to attempt to restart blogging and start from scratch. I've deleted everything, like starting from a blank slate...

I am at a point in my life where I think I should be more accomplished... stable career, serious relationship, enjoying life in my mid-twenties. Sadly I am not. I feel like I'm still acting like the fresh out of college girl just going on with my life one day at a time. I thought finishing my degree would have given me a better understanding and preparation for the world, but it just left me even more unprepared. Lots of questions, not enough answers.

I have many talents and skills, which fuel many interests: interior design, real estate, architecture, fashion. Instead of finding a solid career path, I find myself asking a lot of "What if" questions and thinking to far ahead into pessimistic outcomes. I want to set myself into trying to achieve a certain goal, but what if I end up not liking it or not being able to do it. I really wish I had a mentor to push me in the right direction.

Here is where I leave you guys with the question of... "Why couldn't life come with road maps to guide us in the right direction?" And the optimist would answer, so we can make our own mistakes and learn from them. Life is all about the journey, but it looks like my journey has a few temporary dead ends at the moment. Need to turn around and go down another path to see where it leads me...

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